Joseph Alexander: The Practical Guide To Modern Music Theory For Guitarists
There are over 200 individual notated examples demonstrating everything from basic major scale construction and harmonisation, to advance soloing substitutions for every major mode.
The book is designed to take you from basic first principles all the way through to more advance concepts, such as minor Pentatonic substitution, diatonic arpeggios and much more.
The emphasis is on putting ideas into practice. You can hear each and every theoretical concept demonstrated on the accompanying audio files (available for free download) and quickly learn to incorporate the new ideas into your playing.
The extensive chapter titles include (among many others!) such topics as:
What is a Scale?
The Circle of 5ths
Relative Minor Keys
Harmonising the Major Scale
The Roman Numeral System
Chords from Outside the Key
How to Name Chords
What is a Mode?
And for every mode:
Typical Chord Progressions
5 Useful Licks
Soloing Approaches to the Mode
2-Note Intervals
3-Note Triads
4-Note Arpeggios
5-Note Pentatonic Scales
First Choice Soloing Summary for the Mode
In all there are over 100 pages of clear, concisely written music theory that will make you a better player. Why not check it out today?