Favourite Movie Themes: Flute
A collection of the most popular film themes.
These books include 13 themes from hit movies with great play-along backing tracks to make you sound like a pro! Includes: Apollo 13 · Braveheart · Chariots of Fire · Dances with Wolves · E.T. · Jurassic Park · Mission: Impossible · Mr. Holland's Opus · Raiders of the Lost Ark · Forrest Gump · more. The audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
Star Trek - The Motion Picture
Forrest Gump - Main Title (Feather Theme)
End Credits - Apollo 13
An American Symphony
Braveheart - Main Title
Back To The Future
Chariots Of Fire
The John Dunbar Theme
Theme From "Jurassic Park"
The Man From Snowy River (Main Title Theme)
Mission: Impossible Theme
Adam Clayton
Theme From E.T. (The Extra-Terrestrial)
Raiders March