Easy Renaissance Pieces For Classical Guitar
9780825637575 - Amsco Publications
Easy Renaissance Pieces For Classical Guitar brings to life some of th ..
Easy Renaissance Pieces For Classical Guitar is designed for the beginner and intermediate guitarist and includes 61 pieces with an accompanying audio CD performed by Jerry Willard.
With standard notation and TAB.
A Jig [Askue, R.]
A Jig [Cutting, Francis]
Ah Robyn, Gentle Robyn [Cornyshe, William]
Almain [Allison, Richard]
Almain [Johnson, Robert]
Balletto [Besard, Jean Baptiste]
Basse Danse La Roque [Attaingnant, Pierre]
Bianco Fiore [Negri, Cesare]
Black Nag (The Dancing Master) [Anonymous]
Bonny Sweet Boy [Anonymous]
Bonny Sweet Robin [Anonymous]
Branle [Anonymous]
Branle De La Cornemuse [Ballard, Robert]
Branle De Village [Ballard, Robert]
Coventry Carol [Anonymous]
Dove Son Quei Fieri Occhi? [Anonymous]
Fantasia [Anonymous]
Fortune My Foe [Dowland, John]
Galliard [Anonymous]
Go From My Window [Anonymous]
Greensleeves [Anonymous]
How Should I Your True Love Know? (Hamlet) [Anonymous]
Ich Klag Den Tag [Neusidler, Hans]
Kemp's Jig [Anonymous]
Les Bouffons [d'Estrées, Jean]
Loath To Depart [Anonymous]
Medieval Dance [Anonymous]
Mille Regretz [Des Prez, Josquin]
Mr. Dowland's Midnight [Dowland, John]
Mrs. Nichols' Almain [Dowland, John]
Mrs. Winter's Jump [Dowland, John]
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home [Dowland, John]
Nonesuch [Anonymous]
Oh Mistress Mine (Twelfth Night) [Anonymous]
Orlando Sleepeth [Dowland, John]
Packington's Pound [Anonymous]
Pastime with good company [Henry VIII]
Pavana I [Milan, Luis]
Pavana II [Milan, Luis]
Peg-A-Ramsey [Anonymous]
Pezzo Tedesco [Anonymous]
Saltarello [Anonymous]
Scarborough Fair [Anonymous]
Se io m'accorgo be mio d'un altro amante [Anonymous]
Spagnoletta [Anonymous]
Tanz [Fuhrmann, Georg Leopold]
Tarleton's Resurrection [Dowland, John]
The Squirrel's Toy [Cutting, Francis]
There Were Three Ravens [Ravenscroft, Thomas]
Toy (Jane Pickering's Lute Book) [Anonymous]
Toy [Cutting, Francis]
Vaghe belleze et bionde treccie d'oro vedi che per ti moro [Anonymous]
Volte [Anonymous]
Volte [Praetorius, Michael]
What If A Day Or A Month Or A Year [Anonymous]
When That I Was And A Little Tiny Boy (Twelfth Night) [Anonymous]
Where The Bee Sucks (The Tempest) [Johnson, Robert]
Willow, Willow (Othello) [Anonymous]
Wilson's Wilde [Anonymous]
Woodycock (The English Dancing Master) [Anonymous]
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