Adult Piano Method: Traditional Hymns Book 1 (Book/CD)
The CD features orchestrated accompaniments at practice and performance tempos. It is playable on any CD player, and also enhanced so Mac and PC users can access MIDI files for each song.
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God [Luther, Martin] [Hedge, Frederick H.]
All Glory, Laud And Honor [Teschner, Melchior]
Amazing Grace [Newton, John]
Come, Christians, Join To Sing [Bateman, Christian]
Come, Thou Almighty King [Giardini, Felice De]
Deep And Wide [Traditional]
Faith of Our Fathers [Hemy, Henri]
For The Beauty Of The Earth [Pierpoint, Folliot S.] [Kocher, Conrad]
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty [Dykes, John Bacchus]
I Sing The Mighty Power Of God [Lipscomb, Helen]
It Is Well With My Soul [Loree, Ron]
Jesus Loves Me [Bradbury, William B.] [Warner, Anna B.]
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee [Beethoven, Ludwig van]
Now Thank We All Our God [Leupold, Anton Wilhelm]
O Worship the King [Haydn, Johann Michael]
What A Friend We Have In Jesus [Converse, Charles]